Treat ALL with respect..

Treat ALL with respect..

Treat ALL people with respect.

I recently saw an article titled "Treat the janitor the same as you would the CEO". That certainly rings true for me, but it is also sad that you would even have to remind people to do so.

I have a bit of an issue with those that have a superiority complex. I like to see everyone on an even playing field. The CEO and janitor are both like individuals, live in houses, have bills, have families, deal with the same daily issues, etc. One just makes more money than the other which doesn't make him a better person, or above the other.

It always made me cringe in the office to hear other leaders refer to the team they lead as "their people" or "my employees", as if they held some kind of ownership over them.

Sometimes it is amazing to see the surprise or smile on someone's face when you simply say hello or how are you to someone that doesn't expect it. Nobody is beneath you, treat all with respect and kindness. Make it your goal to reach out to someone that would not expect you to or to put a smile on someone's face. What is the harm? Have a great day! #team #leaders #respect #kindness #ceo #people

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